Technical diagrams and wireframes for Developers

Simplify complex projects with Mocky by seamlessly creating, collaborating, and integrating Technical Diagrams.
Diagrams and Wireframes for Developers

Efficient Design Process

Drap and drop editor for designs

The tool provides a drag-and-drop interface, making it easy and quick to design diagrams and wireframes without needing extensive graphic design skills.

Customization and Flexibility

Product strategy analysis

Seamless Integration

Integrates with Jira and Confluence

Embed diagrams and wireframes directly into workflows

Automated synchronization and save

Enhanced Collaboration

Team collaboration within a shared platform

Create a private or public design

Export and Sharing Options

Enhance collaboration and communication

Get started with Mocky Wireframes Diagrams for Confluence & Jira

Let’s design and collaborate on any sketch, mockups, diagrams, prototypes of any applications.

Create prototype for teams