Mocky 1.1.7 Release for Confluence: Updated & Enhanced UI/UX

Mocky release 1.1.7 Confluence

We are excited to announce that Mocky is getting a complete revamp this July 2024. In this Mocky 1.1.7 release for Confluence, we will update the app’s UI/UX interface, enhance the overall experience, and feature improvements.

What’s coming to Mocky 1.1.7 release?

1. New interface

In this new version, we would like to introduce to you a completely new face of Mocky where we change the in-app interface, design, and so much more.

New interface

Additionally, we enhanced Mock’s pages of the design menu, making things clearer and more understandable for all users. We also rework the app’s elements and components so that you can easily use them in your projects. 

Mocky 1.1.7 Release new UI


With this update, we hope to help you design and create the wireframes needed for your work effortlessly.

2. New feature: Copy text style in 1 click

Do you want to reuse a specific text style in your design? Don’t worry, we’ve got it covered!

In this new release, we’re introducing a new feature to copy the text style and use it on other texts with just a simple click. 

You can choose a text with the style or format you want to copy, then locate the magic broomstick icon on the header menu. Now, click on that icon and choose the text element you want to use this style on, and that’s it.

Copy styles feature

With this new feature, you don’t have to go through every element to change its text style ever again.

Improvements and bug fixes

In this Mocky 1.1.7 release, we improved the theme preview feature to streamline your experience when trying out new themes for your project designs. 

Besides that, we also fixed an issue relating to the undo/redo feature while enhancing the overall app performance.


As a diagramming and wireframing tool for Confluence, we understand that the overall look and feel of Mocky MATTERS. Therefore, we hope that its new and refreshed UI will enhance your experience and boost your productivity when using Mocky for your most important projects.

We appreciate your consideration and interest in Mocky by DevSamurai. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us via our Support Desk



Mocky’s development team.

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